How to use Viaterna?
Sign up for free
With just few clicks create your own account. For now Viaterna is free, but we will collect fees for new members starting 2024, so be fast
Create Memorial place
Create a virtual memorial place for you and for your beloved ones. It's fast and easy
Invite others
Invite family and friends to contribute to the stories of the beloved ones.
Cherish the memories
Once the eternal journey of your beloved one begins, start private discussions to cherish the memories
Immortalise in blockchain
Set up an eternal digital tombstone with blockchain technology

Viaterna step by step
Sign up for free
To get started, sign up for free to access all the features of Viaterna. It only takes a minute to create an account and start creating a memorial page for your loved one.
Create Memorial Place
To create a memorial place, simply write a brief description of your loved one’s story and legacy. upload photos, and other additional content of your choice.
Invite Others
Share your memorial page with friends and family by inviting them to view and contribute to the page, using the unique link provided by Viaterna.
Cherish the memories
Take the time to cherish the memories of your loved one by leaving heartfelt messages and tributes on the memorial page, and encourage others to do the same.
Immortilize in Blockchain
By immortalizing your loved one’s memories on the blockchain, you can ensure that their legacy will be permanently recorded and protected from any alterations or deletions. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this feature and create a lasting memorial for your loved one
Frequently asked questions
Blockchain is a secure and decentralized digital ledger that can be used to record information, such as transactions or data. In the case of Viaterna, we use blockchain technology to permanently record and protect the memories and legacy of your loved one, providing an immutable and tamper-proof record.
Yes, you can customize the design and layout of the memorial page to make it unique and personal to your loved one. You can add a profile and a cover photo to make it distinctive and special. More features will come soon.
Blockchain technology provides an immutable and decentralized ledger of data, which means that once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted without consensus from the network. This ensures that the data on the memorial page is accurate, authentic, and tamper-proof, providing a lasting and secure record of your loved one’s memories and legacy.
Yes, you can edit or delete your own posts at any time. However, we encourage users to be respectful and mindful when posting content, as the page is meant to be a lasting tribute to your loved one’s life.
However, if you choose to archive the memorial page to blockchain, the entry cannot be edited anymore.
Yes, you can add multiple people to a single memorial page if you would like to create a shared memorial for a group or family. This allows everyone to contribute and share memories in one central location.
Yes, we take the privacy and security of our users very seriously. All personal information is encrypted and stored securely, and we never share your information with third parties without your consent. Additionally, by using blockchain technology, we can ensure that the data stored in NFTs is protected from tampering or unauthorized access.
Yes, you can share the memorial page on social media by simply copying and pasting the link. This allows you to reach a wider audience and ensure that more people can view and contribute to the page.
Yes, Viaterna shows notifications when someone posts on the memorial page you manage (as a bell icon in the top menu). This ensures that you are always up-to-date on the latest contributions and can respond or moderate as needed.
We understand that the continuity of the memorial page is important to you, which is why we use blockchain technology to ensure that the data is stored in a secure and decentralized manner. Even if the website were to shut down or go offline, the data on the blockchain would still be available and accessible. Additionally, we are committed to maintaining the website and ensuring that it remains available for as long as possible.